Euthanasia is often a very challenging and emotional time for both you and
your veterinary surgeon. It is also a very important moment for you as a pet
owner. Understanding the process more clearly and the possible options
available may help to make the process a little less daunting for you.
The process begins with a conversation between you and your vet. The
decision is never an easy one to make. There are often many factors playing
a part in the final decision. The key points to consider are the quality of life
your pet has, the potential implications of treatment options if available, and
the potential for improvement in clinical signs or recovery. Whatever the
reasoning, once the decision has been made the process of how euthanasia
is going to happen should be discussed with you.
The process may occur in the veterinary clinic, or at your home. You
may be present with your animal, or choose not to be. Afterwards you may
choose to bury your pet at home or opt for cremation. Cremation can often be
organised by your veterinary clinic with options for your pet to be cremated
individually and their ashes returned to you if you wish.
There are three stages to euthanasia in a guinea pig. The first stage is
anaesthesia. Reliable access into a vein in an unanaesthetised guinea pig is
challenging. Injection of a euthanasia agent by any other route (other than into
the vein) can be painful in an awake guinea pig; therefore your guinea pig
must first be anaesthetised.
Anaesthesia can be induced either through inhalation (breathing in via
a mask or sitting in a chamber) of anaesthetic gases or by injection of
anaesthetic agents under the skin. Traditionally an inhalational chamber has
been used to induce anaesthesia in guinea pigs. This method reduces
handling of the patient, which can reduce stress, but the anaesthetic gases
can be irritant to the eyes and nose; and, due to health and safety
precautions, it is often not possible for you to be present whilst anaesthetic
gases are being used. Injection under the skin of anaesthetic agents is
performed though a small needle and may result in a momentary squeak but
is very short-lived and is therefore my preferred method for anaesthetising
guinea pigs prior to euthanasia. In addition injection under the skin then
allows you to hold your pet whilst they go to sleep, this often takes 2 to 5
Once your pet is fully anaesthetised the second stage of the process
can be started. A second injection is required to perform euthanasia.
Remember at this second stage your guinea pig will not be aware of anything
nor will they be able to feel anything as they will be under general
anaesthesia. This second injection can be given in a number of different
ways. Ideally the injection is given into a vein. Injecting into a vein makes this
second stage more rapid. Commonly, a vein called the cranial vena cava will
be used for this purpose. This vein lies within the chest cavity and is accessed
through the underside of the neck. Other routes for injection include
intracardiac or intraperitoneal.
The intraperitoneal route involves injecting into the abdomen. This can
be the technically easier route but will also be slower than intravenous or
The final stage is for your vet to confirm euthanasia by listening to the
At any stage in this process you may choose to be present or not.
Euthanasia is always a challenging time for all involved, as an owner you
need to do whatever makes you feel comfortable. Watching the process is
right for some and not for others. As a vet, euthanasia, although difficult, is
one of the most important jobs we do. I realise this blog may have been
difficult reading but I hope that laying the process out makes it less of an
unknown and therefore less scary.